Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Count down...3 more days

Wow.. I'm anxious no more, I'm now so excited that I get to be joined to the love of my life. I can't believe its me. I just didn't think it would happen to me. I was wretched, I was broken, I was lost. Yet my Faithful Father gave me a new life,a new walk, a new song. Words cannot express how good Gods been to me, makes me teary eyed right now. Words will never be able to express how I stand in awe of Him. He renewed my spirit. He gives me favor, He makes me worthy though I'm so unworthy. He calls me His child comforts me when no one else is near. Ain't He good? can anybody feel me?
Blogville this wasn't supposed to be happening to me. Once upon a time, i didn't know who I was, I was so lost and this ain't no cliche, now I'm found. I walk with my head up high, unashamed.My past is behind, my present is all wrapped up in the biggest bow, and my future is so bright all to the glory of God.

Never thought I would be here, never even knew that the life I have now even existed, yet my almighty God orchestrated every single detail and all I do is stand in awe of Him. I am going to marry the love of my life in 3 days, I stand amazed by him, I don't look at myself as a gift to him alone, I look at him as a gift directly from heaven just for me, just to think I used to settle for less. I thank God that these past couple of years have really transformed who I am in Christ and who I am as a person. Just once upon a time, I thought abstinence was impossible, look at me now, look at us now. Now I just smile to myself, because my biggest desire was that my husband would be so excited about me when we got married, by that I mean for us to have something to look forward not when we've done it all; and boy is he excited, I feel so valued, special, loved, irresistible, desired, all the good words you can think of. That right there is PRICELESS. There is absolutely nothing in the world that compares to it, no condemnation just pure bliss to come.

Thank you guys for reading and I appreciate all your support.