Monday, August 10, 2009

marital S.E.X is yummy

Waiting to get married before having sex has been PRICELESS! I heard about this before getting married, but didn't understand till I got to experience it for myself. Sex outside of marriage is really not what its cut out to be, I promise. Gods words and principles are just more real to me, like my own a ha moment.

The immense peace from the covering over our marriage just by the sacrifices we made before we made our lifetime commitment is so comforting, the major things we did included fasting and praying for about 2 weeks, surrendering every aspect of our future into Gods hands. We were in a LDR, we went from seeing each other every month to not seeing each other for about 5-6mths, even though we talked multiple times on the phone daily, it was hard but really worth it. We made sure premarital sex was not an option since we struggled with it in the past.

I learned that, though things may seem hard at the moment, as long as its for and about God, He rewards way beyond things that I can even see. If you are celibate, stand your ground, I'm proud of you, If you are not, please make a change.
Premarital sex is truly scum compared to divine love making in marriage :) I just really wish people really understood that.

Its been a great 10 months since I said I do. Things I learned:

God is really good and He blessed me with a truly wonderful guy
The marriage class we attended in church is the best $60 we have ever spent.
Selflessness: listening to the unspoken words of hubby, there are times he just really needs space or may be having a bad day.
Watching my words and my thoughts. Keeping it positive! positive! positive!
The security of unconditional love, and yes, there are very few times I may not really like hubby and vice versa :)
The security I have that my relationship with hubby was built and renewed in Christ before and after our marriage, therefore our marriage is built on a solid rock/foundation.

The ones that surprised me:
How jealous and protective I can be over my hubby, lol had to pray about that one
The 1st couple of months after getting married, I was overwhelmed with the frequent love making, going from none to everyday just threw me off a little bit lol
Thanks for stopping by. Be blessed

photo credit: photobucket


BBG said...

Hey! thanks a lot for stopping by my blog today. I've just read through some of your stuff, and I'm amazed by your openess especially about marriage- especially the wedding night bit. LOL. This I really respect. May God continue to bless your union and give you many more happy and wonderful years together. Bless!

NewLife said...

Hi BBG, thanks, I really enjoyed reading your blog as well

Niki said...

This comment is coming abit late in the day but I just wanted you to know that I have been both blessed and encouraged by your testimony which is this post.
Not yet married, I have made the decision to abstain from sex and live a life of purity until I am joined together with my husband in marriage. At times, its hard and having lived a life of fornication in the past the temptation is there. However, having disobeyed God in the past and as a result suffered the consequences, I can now receite Psalm 19:7-11

This particular scripture is amongst my favourites and I often find myself or rather the Holy spirit reminding me of this scripture when I'm tempted to join in with the crowd. I know that there is great reward for those who obey God and your testimony has also confirmed this.

I know that some people try to siilence their conscience's by justfying their sin i.e pre-marital sex, co-habitation stating things like "what works for some may not work for others" but I say, infact the Bible which is the WORD of God says "Do NOT be deceived!" For every action there is a consequence. If it hasn't caught up with you's coming.

1 Timothy 4:8

"Godliness has value for ALL things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

NewLife said...

@ braids
You brought tears to my eyes, I don't recall ever running into those power packed verses in the bible. It blesses me that you are encouraged by my experiences. If you were here I would give you such a big hug :)
I am so proud of you and what God is doing in your life, it overwhelms me with joy just how much your rewards will be for your commitment.
You are so wise, and gosh every bit of your response touched me, it makes me giddy because I'm like, she gets it! she really gets it! May our heavenly Father continue to strengthen you, I believe in you and I can't wait to share it all with you.